Usha Subbarayulu, Los Angeles, USA

I am filled with tremendous assurance that I am in the right place, even though it may take the rest of my life to complete all the steps in the Sri Vidya sadhana. At Sri Vidyalay, Swamiji provides all the procedures for the sadhana in bold font, making half of the job already done.

Swamiji’s passion for the Vedas is truly inspiring. His clarity in formulating the procedures and in-depth knowledge of rishis and Guru Parampara is truly remarkable. It’s fascinating to see how he is able to compile numerous sadhana procedures in books; it’s as if he is an incarnation of some rishis. Swamiji is well-prepared with books, videos, and audio for every sadhana, providing great relief for the sadhakas. His discipline and systematic approach are unparalleled, and greatly appreciated. This quality is lacking in many other places but is crucial for all sadhakas in the current time.

Having visited many Sri Vidya schools, I can confidently say that Swamiji’s institution is the best. It took about a week or 10 days for Swamiji to reply to my enquiry about joining the class. During the wait, I chanted Lalitha Sahasranama daily and prayed to Devi not to be rejected. Finally, I got in. I can’t help but envy the sadhakas who joined in 2020 and have been in the right place from day one; they are truly lucky.

After being initiated by Swamiji, I had a profound spiritual experience. The first Laghu Ganapathy puja and the following two days of receiving the ‘Nyasa’ vidhi were extraordinary. I had a darshan of Saraswathy in the early morning, followed by a darshan of Dakshinamurthy the next day, which assured me of being accepted by the Guru Parampara.

I am deeply grateful to Swamiji for this. During my 52 Malas of ‘Gayatri Purascharana Upasana’, I was able to perform Harathi to the Golden Paduka of Vishwamitra Rishi, the Gayatri Mantra drishta. I had a beautiful experience where, before falling into deep sleep, I saw a vision of myself performing Harathi to the Golden Paduka. As I was coming to a waking state, I found myself whispering ‘Vishwamitrasya Paduka’, feeling incredibly blessed.

Such experiences are invaluable for helping sadhakas overcome any self-doubt that may arise during their sadhana. CompareFinetune May the Lalitha Tripurasundari and all the Guru Mandala’s and Swamiji to Bless us all to finish the whole Sri Vidya sadhana successfully and ultimately Experience ShivaShakthi aikkyam. Thank you Swamiji

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